The Fire Inside
So the reality is that you have a flame. Fire from God, kindled inside you from in the womb. That flame is your essence. Your light. Your very spirit. Your being. Your very created-ness. Inside that flame is everything you are. Everything you will need. It has already been lit.
We do not father the flame. But we mother it. We carry it. Inside us, in our creative womb. We carry the single flame with great responsibility. We know it is deeply important, we don’t know why. We trust the flame-Giver. We must. As we must guard and protect this flame.
Others will not understand our unique flame. They can not. It is a mystery even to ourselves. We must deeply honor it, not reduce it to a problem to be solved, but a calling to bear.
This is the light of our humanity - not outward, circumstantial things, or even cultural things. What connects us is ultimately much more subtle, more profound than that. It is the very spirit that makes us alive. Our createdness. The sense of both our cosmic earthy and infinite nature.
*Sadly this boundless nature gets broken the older we get. We start as children with such native wonder, but gradually are taught to break such foolishness down: to focus, direct attention, make goals toward this-world outcomes - to be a “productive” member of society.
Production is directed toward external things, to the engineers of outward realities, not inward ones. Yet the spirit remains. And something deeply compelling, even intoxicating, about those wild ones who live so freely outside of the system, wakens our spirit.
Who will help us focus on the internal things? The things no one can see.
True freedom is deeply enviable. It’s what we all seek. The ability to serve only one master. And that is no man. That may sound arrogant, or worse, but a rightly ordered freedom is one inherent with restraint.
True freedom is not the ability to do whatever we want but actually to do exactly what we need. To achieve a sense of peace and purpose otherwise not attainable in the human experience. It’s here. Trust it. You can have this sort of power and purpose.
Even now!
*But it may not be where you expect it to be. It may require you to step. To move. To obey. To will. Before you can see. Fire is not directive, not in a predictable way. It goes with the wind. And so does the Spirit inside you. But it first blows out any false securities we cling to.
It leaves only the chasm between us and our next move. What are we going to do? Which direction are we going to choose? What better aligns with the fire inside us? What allows us to better release that fire? How will the universe decide to use our fire? Or us use it?
While the universe offers silence in response, it does hide little clues (I dare not call them signs). They abound in reflective posture. When and where we quiet ourselves. And seek to find not so much an answer as alignment, a direction-inducing movement that ripples out.
Indeed our core identity. Who we really are is somehow tied into these decisions. Where we go matters. How we go matters more. Believing that we are sent. Being sent. And somehow, through grace and mystery, to hear the Voice that indeed we are beloved.
We have fire.