Catch and Release

The blank slate can be fascinating.  Complete potential.  It can also be absolutely frightening.  Where will it lead?  What will come of it?  The future is like that blank slate, only ours is not blank anymore, it is made up of the building blocks of decisions we have made to this point.

It is like the next page that is being written in a book.  We use present perfect tense words to try and describe what started in the past but is not yet finished.  A work in progress.  That is our tense, our lives, indeed the mystery of existing somewhere between beginning and end.

Where we are, have been, and will be.  Somehow connected.  In this moment.  In this present moment.  Right here.  All times meet.  All our times, yet all time.  Somehow all meet here.  In the mystery of the moment.  The culmination of things.  The unraveling.

We get only a glimpse.  Don’t try to hold it.  You can't.  The wind will blow where it will blow.  Business becomes poetry.  Everything becomes poetry.  Only as we let go can we finally keep.  But those who keep the most, end up with almost nothing at all.

This is the tension we must embrace on the journey.  We hold on, we let go.  We create.  We release.  We never really know what things are going to “work.”  What things are going to grow.  What things are there by their own necessity.  We can NOT control what lives.

But this is good news!

Still we are not released from the responsibility to own our part of the process.  We must.  For while we can not make things grow, we certainly can keep them from growing.  And that is a terrible truth.  We can actually prevent life from becoming what it wills to be.

This intersection between letting go and holding on is where fear and love meet.  No one wants to waste time on earth missing their moment.  We all fear it.  And should.  Yet fearing it does not mean getting what we are after.  Fear is not enough.  There must be more.

This is where inspiration begins.

Where the creative Spirit is blowing in and through us, OR it is not.  The Creative Spirit has been creating from the very beginning.  Nothing that is has been created without it.  When it blows, it requires everything.  All focus is needed to realize its creative purpose.

But it is not burdensome, as we think of it typically.  It is serious.  A responsibility.  Yes!  But its execution comes with a certain levity.  An ease.  It is both easy and hard.  Easy because we are inspired.  Hard because life still demands we manage many other concerns.

And we can not fully grasp what we are trying to do.  It is simply too large.  If it is truly inspired, the vision is bigger than us.  Bigger than what we can see.  We can only get bits of it at a time.  Over time.  We must be patient.  Walk with the process.  Hold on.  Let go.

Hold on.  Let go.  Repeat.

One foot in front of the other.  Learn your lessons well.  Do not mistake current tests as meaningless distractions from your end goals.  They are not.  They are essential steps to learning the lessons necessary to get where you are going.  Hold on.

The trials are temporary!

You are being prepared for something you can not yet see.  That is the beauty of this great in-between.  You can feel it.  You can, in a very real way, experience it.  You just can’t see it, yet. And you probably haven’t learned to articulate it yet either.  Hold tight!

Soon enough, that too will come.


Inner Explorers


A Whole New World